Расклейщик объявлений
--------- beginning of main
12-19 16:29:58.322 31978 32009 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 0/3 for video/mpeg2
12-19 16:29:58.322 31978 32009 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 0/3 for video/mpeg2
12-19 16:29:58.341 31978 32008 I CameraManagerGlobal: Connecting to camera service
12-19 16:29:58.460 31978 31978 W GcaGeneric-1: type=1400 audit(0.0:416723): avc: granted { execute } for path="/data/user/0/com.google.android.lm82/files/libpatched_jni.so" dev="dm-9" ino=895429 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_29:s0:c99,c257,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:app_data_file:s0:c99,c257,c512,c768 tclass=file app=com.google.android.lm82
12-19 16:29:58.351 31978 31996 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status updаtеof camera: 61
12-19 16:29:58.361 31978 32012 W le.android.lm8: Accessing hidden field Ljava/util/Collections$SynchronizedCollection;->mutex:Ljava/lang/Object; (max-target-o, reflection, denied)
12-19 16:29:58.362 31978 32012 W le.android.lm8: Accessing hidden method Ljava/util/Collections$SynchronizedSet;->(Ljava/util/Set;Ljava/lang/Object;)V (max-target-o, reflection, denied)
12-19 16:29:58.362 31978 32012 W le.android.lm8: Accessing hidden method Ljava/util/Collections$SynchronizedCollection;->(Ljava/util/Collection;Ljava/lang/Object;)V (max-target-o, reflection, denied)
12-19 16:29:58.369 31978 32009 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
12-19 16:29:58.369 31978 32009 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
12-19 16:29:58.369 31978 32009 D CameraManager2: GotArray:21
12-19 16:29:58.369 31978 32009 D CameraManager2: GotArray:22
12-19 16:29:58.369 31978 32009 D CameraManager2: GotArray:25
--------- beginning of system
12-19 16:29:58.398 31978 31978 D ViewScrollStubImpl: the value of mScrollFrictionRes is: 0.015
12-19 16:29:58.402 31978 31978 D IS_CTS_MODE: false
12-19 16:29:58.402 31978 31978 D MULTI_WINDOW_SWITCH_ENABLED: false
12-19 16:29:58.403 31978 31978 D IS_CTS_MODE: false
12-19 16:29:58.403 31978 31978 D MULTI_WINDOW_SWITCH_ENABLED: false
12-19 16:29:58.403 31978 31978 D IS_CTS_MODE: false
12-19 16:29:58.403 31978 31978 D MULTI_WINDOW_SWITCH_ENABLED: false
12-19 16:29:58.405 31978 31978 D DecorView[]: getWindowModeFromSystem windowmode is 1
12-19 16:29:58.410 31978 32009 W CAM_A : Build number (V13.0.10.0.SKGMIXM) is not a number. Ignoring version check for b/149569689.
12-19 16:29:58.419 31978 31978 W FontsContract: Platform version of downloadable fonts is deprecated. Please use androidx version instead.
12-19 16:29:58.421 31978 32015 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
12-19 16:29:58.421 31978 32015 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
12-19 16:29:58.421 31978 32015 D CameraManager2: GotArray:21
12-19 16:29:58.421 31978 32015 D CameraManager2: GotArray:22
12-19 16:29:58.421 31978 32015 D CameraManager2: GotArray:25
12-19 16:29:58.422 31978 32009 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
12-19 16:29:58.422 31978 32009 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
12-19 16:29:58.422 31978 32009 D CameraManager2: GotArray:21
12-19 16:29:58.422 31978 32009 D CameraManager2: GotArray:22
12-19 16:29:58.422 31978 32009 D CameraManager2: GotArray:25
12-19 16:29:58.469 31978 32028 I AdrenoGLES-0: QUALCOMM build : 5fa70b0888, I2c4b6824f1
12-19 16:29:58.469 31978 32028 I AdrenoGLES-0: Build Date : 09/13/21
12-19 16:29:58.469 31978 32028 I AdrenoGLES-0: OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: EV031.32.02.15
12-19 16:29:58.469 31978 32028 I AdrenoGLES-0: Local Branch :
12-19 16:29:58.469 31978 32028 I AdrenoGLES-0: Remote Branch :
12-19 16:29:58.469 31978 32028 I AdrenoGLES-0: Remote Branch :
12-19 16:29:58.469 31978 32028 I AdrenoGLES-0: Reconstruct Branch :
12-19 16:29:58.469 31978 32028 I AdrenoGLES-0: Build Config : S P 10.0.7 AArch64
12-19 16:29:58.469 31978 32028 I AdrenoGLES-0: Driver Path : /vendor/lib64/egl/libGLESv2_adreno.so
12-19 16:29:58.473 31978 32027 W libc : Access denied finding property "persist.vendor.camera.privapp.list"
12-19 16:29:58.473 31978 32027 D CameraExtImplXiaoMi: initCameraDevice: 0
12-19 16:29:58.483 31978 32011 E CameraManagerGlobal: Camera 61 is not available. Ignore physical camera status change
12-19 16:29:58.484 31978 32028 I AdrenoGLES-0: PFP: 0x016ee190, ME: 0x00000000
12-19 16:29:58.500 31978 32019 W CAM_DeviceErrorBroadcas: Tag DeviceErrorBroadcaster is 3 chars longer than limit.
12-19 16:29:58.500 31978 31978 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171228096; UID 10355; state: ENABLED
12-19 16:29:58.520 31978 32027 D CameraDevice-JV-0: waitUntilIdle: E. id = 0
12-19 16:29:58.520 31978 32027 D CameraDevice-JV-0: waitUntilIdle: X
12-19 16:29:58.542 31978 32019 D LM8.2-Debug: sensitivity_range_lower: 100
12-19 16:29:58.542 31978 32019 D LM8.2-Debug: sensitivity_range_upper: 3200
12-19 16:29:58.542 31978 32019 D LM8.2-Debug: max_analog_sensitivityr: 3200
12-19 16:29:58.548 31978 32019 D LM8.2-Debug: sensor_physical_width: 12.8
12-19 16:29:58.548 31978 32019 D LM8.2-Debug: sensor_physical_height: 9.6
12-19 16:29:58.549 31978 32019 D LM8.2-Debug: pixel_array_width: 4000
12-19 16:29:58.549 31978 32019 D LM8.2-Debug: pixel_array_height: 3000
12-19 16:29:58.551 31978 32019 D LM8.2-Debug: Frame_raw_max_width: 4000
12-19 16:29:58.551 31978 32019 D LM8.2-Debug: Frame_raw_max_height: 3000
12-19 16:29:58.555 31978 32019 D LM8.2-Debug: sensitivity_range_lower: 100
12-19 16:29:58.555 31978 32019 D LM8.2-Debug: sensitivity_range_upper: 1550
12-19 16:29:58.555 31978 32019 D LM8.2-Debug: max_analog_sensitivityr: 1550
12-19 16:29:58.557 31978 32019 D LM8.2-Debug: sensor_physical_width: 4.71296
12-19 16:29:58.557 31978 32019 D LM8.2-Debug: sensor_physical_height: 3.4944
12-19 16:29:58.561 31978 32019 D LM8.2-Debug: pixel_array_width: 4208
12-19 16:29:58.561 31978 32019 D LM8.2-Debug: pixel_array_height: 3120
12-19 16:29:58.562 31978 32019 D LM8.2-Debug: Frame_raw_max_width: 4208
12-19 16:29:58.562 31978 32019 D LM8.2-Debug: Frame_raw_max_height: 3120
12-19 16:29:58.569 31978 32019 I com.google.android.lm82: vendor/qcom/proprietary/adsprpc/src/rpcmem_android.c:159: rpcmem_init_internal: opened ION device fd 115, configured heap IDs: system (0x2000000), contig (0x400000), secure (0x200), secure flags (0x80080000)
12-19 16:29:58.569 31978 32019 I com.google.android.lm82: vendor/qcom/proprietary/adsprpc/src/fastrpc_apps_user.c:3015: fastrpc_apps_user_init done with default domain:3 and &fastrpc_trace:0x712ff880a4
12-19 16:29:58.591 31978 31978 D DecorView[]: getWindowModeFromSystem windowmode is 1
12-19 16:29:58.591 31978 31978 D DecorView[]: updateDecorCaptionStatus displayWindowDecor is false
12-19 16:29:58.597 31978 31978 W Looper : PerfMonitor looperActivity : package=com.google.android.lm82/com.android.camera.CameraLauncher time=0ms latency=413ms running=0ms procState=-1 historyMsgCount=3 (msgIndex=1 wall=370ms seq=3 h=android.app.ActivityThread$H w=159) (msgIndex=3 wall=370ms seq=3 h=android.app.ActivityThread$H w=159)
12-19 16:29:58.617 31978 32019 W CAM_A : UI view not yet initialized
12-19 16:29:58.618 31978 31978 D DecorView[]: getWindowModeFromSystem windowmode is 1
12-19 16:29:58.618 31978 31978 D DecorView[]: updateDecorCaptionStatus displayWindowDecor is false
12-19 16:29:58.642 31978 32000 D hw-ProcessState: Binder ioctl to enable oneway spam detection failed: Invalid argument
12-19 16:29:58.665 31978 32000 E le.android.lm8: open libmigui.so failed! dlopen - dlopen failed: library "libmigui.so" not found
12-19 16:29:58.674 31978 31978 W CAM_A : Was already registered as ThermalStatusListener on AppStart
12-19 16:29:58.823 31978 31978 W FontsContract: Platform version of downloadable fonts is deprecated. Please use androidx version instead.
12-19 16:29:58.841 31978 31978 W CAM_A : ModeSwitcher WAS ALREADY ENABLED!
12-19 16:29:58.871 31978 31978 D DecorView[]: getWindowModeFromSystem windowmode is 1
12-19 16:29:58.871 31978 31978 D DecorView[]: updateDecorCaptionStatus displayWindowDecor is false
12-19 16:29:58.881 31978 31978 W View : requestLayout() improperly called by com.google.android.material.button.MaterialButton{182b8d2 VFED..C.. ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0b0004 app:id/AuxButtonMain} during layout: running second layout pass
12-19 16:29:58.881 31978 31978 W View : requestLayout() improperly called by com.google.android.material.button.MaterialButton{d64dda3 VFED..C.. ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0b000a app:id/AuxButtonWide} during layout: running second layout pass
12-19 16:29:58.884 31978 31978 D SurfaceView: UPDATE null, mIsCastMode = false
12-19 16:29:58.889 31978 31978 D SurfaceView: UPDATE Surface(name=SurfaceView[com.google.android.lm82/com.android.camera.CameraLauncher])/@0x6b50c59, mIsProjectionMode = false
12-19 16:29:58.889 31978 31978 D SurfaceControl: nativeSetScreenProjection ===> setScreenProjection
12-19 16:29:58.889 31978 31978 D SurfaceControl: nativeSetScreenProjection ===> setScreenProjection
12-19 16:29:58.890 31978 31978 D SurfaceControl: nativeSetScreenProjection ===> setScreenProjection
12-19 16:29:58.929 31978 32087 W CAM_A : Aborting frame processing:BufferFlinger or outputSize isn't available.
12-19 16:29:58.960 31978 32008 D AudioRecord: set(): inputSource 5, sampleRate 48000, format 0x1, channelMask 0xc, frameCount 3840, notificationFrames 0, sessionId 0, transferType 0, flags 0, attributionSource AttributionSourceState{pid: -1, uid: 10355, packageName: com.google.android.lm82, attributionTag: (null), token: , renouncedPermissions: (null), next: []}uid -1, pid -1,isIsolated 0
12-19 16:29:58.963 31978 32009 I tflite : Initialized TensorFlow Lite runtime.
12-19 16:29:58.966 31978 31978 D DecorView[]: onWindowFocusChanged hasWindowFocus true
12-19 16:29:59.008 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.012 31978 32090 D LM8.2-Debug: pre_correction_active_width: 4000
12-19 16:29:59.012 31978 32090 D LM8.2-Debug: pre_correction_active_height: 3000
12-19 16:29:59.017 31978 31978 W CAM_A : ModeSwitcher WAS ALREADY ENABLED!
12-19 16:29:59.030 31978 32009 W CAM_A : Extractor (frame) of type feature.acmi.imu.frame-straightness depends on foreign type feature.acmi.imu.camera-orientation! Feature values may be calculated out of order!
12-19 16:29:59.031 31978 32009 W CAM_A : Extractor (frame) of type feature.acmi.imu.frame-straightness depends on foreign type feature.acmi.imu.camera-orientation! Feature values may be calculated out of order!
12-19 16:29:59.067 31978 31978 W CBVerifier: Registering phenotype for com.google.android.libraries.consentverifier#com.google.android.lm82 failed
12-19 16:29:59.136 31978 32090 E ntj : Unexpected STATISTICS_SCENE_FLICKER type!
12-19 16:29:59.167 31978 32009 W CAM_CameraDeviceVerifie: Tag CameraDeviceVerifier is 1 chars longer than limit.
12-19 16:29:59.169 31978 32009 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
12-19 16:29:59.169 31978 32009 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
12-19 16:29:59.169 31978 32009 D CameraManager2: GotArray:21
12-19 16:29:59.169 31978 32009 D CameraManager2: GotArray:22
12-19 16:29:59.169 31978 32009 D CameraManager2: GotArray:25
12-19 16:29:59.180 31978 32120 D MediaCodecList: codecHandlesFormat: no format, so no extra checks
12-19 16:29:59.180 31978 32120 D MediaCodecList: codecHandlesFormat: no format, so no extra checks
12-19 16:29:59.181 31978 32121 D MediaCodecList: codecHandlesFormat: no format, so no extra checks
12-19 16:29:59.181 31978 32096 I tflite : Initialized TensorFlow Lite runtime.
12-19 16:29:59.181 31978 32121 D MediaCodecList: codecHandlesFormat: no format, so no extra checks
12-19 16:29:59.191 31978 32141 D CCodec : allocate(c2.android.vorbis.decoder)
12-19 16:29:59.194 31978 32141 I Codec2Client: Available Codec2 services: "default" "software"
12-19 16:29:59.202 31978 32141 I CCodec : setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store
12-19 16:29:59.221 31978 32140 D CCodec : allocate(c2.android.vorbis.decoder)
12-19 16:29:59.222 31978 32008 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
12-19 16:29:59.222 31978 32008 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
12-19 16:29:59.222 31978 32008 D CameraManager2: GotArray:21
12-19 16:29:59.222 31978 32008 D CameraManager2: GotArray:22
12-19 16:29:59.222 31978 32008 D CameraManager2: GotArray:25
12-19 16:29:59.224 31978 32009 W CAM_A : Failed to set mallopt options.
12-19 16:29:59.230 31978 32140 I CCodec : setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store
12-19 16:29:59.233 31978 32147 D MediaCodecList: codecHandlesFormat: no format, so no extra checks
12-19 16:29:59.233 31978 32147 D MediaCodecList: codecHandlesFormat: no format, so no extra checks
12-19 16:29:59.233 31978 32147 D MediaCodecList: codecHandlesFormat: no format, so no extra checks
12-19 16:29:59.239 31978 32141 I CCodec : Created component [c2.android.vorbis.decoder]
12-19 16:29:59.239 31978 32140 I CCodec : Created component [c2.android.vorbis.decoder]
12-19 16:29:59.240 31978 32140 D CCodecConfig: read media type: audio/vorbis
12-19 16:29:59.241 31978 32140 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.max-count.values
12-19 16:29:59.242 31978 32141 D CCodecConfig: read media type: audio/vorbis
12-19 16:29:59.243 31978 32141 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.max-count.values
12-19 16:29:59.243 31978 32141 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.subscribed-indices.values
12-19 16:29:59.244 31978 32141 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: input.buffers.allocator-ids.values
12-19 16:29:59.244 31978 32141 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.allocator-ids.values
12-19 16:29:59.244 31978 32141 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.allocator-ids.values
12-19 16:29:59.244 31978 32141 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.pool-ids.values
12-19 16:29:59.244 31978 32141 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.pool-ids.values
12-19 16:29:59.245 31978 32141 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 7 values (BAD_INDEX)
12-19 16:29:59.245 31978 32141 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is Dict {
12-19 16:29:59.245 31978 32141 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value = 64000
12-19 16:29:59.245 31978 32141 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.buffers.max-size.value = 32768
12-19 16:29:59.245 31978 32141 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.delay.value = 0
12-19 16:29:59.245 31978 32141 D CCodecConfig: string input.media-type.value = "audio/vorbis"
12-19 16:29:59.245 31978 32141 D CCodecConfig: string output.media-type.value = "audio/raw"
12-19 16:29:59.245 31978 32141 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.channel-count.value = 1
12-19 16:29:59.245 31978 32141 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.sample-rate.value = 48000
12-19 16:29:59.245 31978 32141 D CCodecConfig: }
12-19 16:29:59.246 31978 32140 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.subscribed-indices.values
12-19 16:29:59.246 31978 32140 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: input.buffers.allocator-ids.values
12-19 16:29:59.246 31978 32140 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.allocator-ids.values
12-19 16:29:59.246 31978 32140 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.allocator-ids.values
12-19 16:29:59.246 31978 32140 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.pool-ids.values
12-19 16:29:59.246 31978 32140 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.pool-ids.values
12-19 16:29:59.247 31978 32140 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 7 values (BAD_INDEX)
12-19 16:29:59.247 31978 32140 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is Dict {
12-19 16:29:59.247 31978 32140 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value = 64000
12-19 16:29:59.247 31978 32140 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.buffers.max-size.value = 32768
12-19 16:29:59.247 31978 32140 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.delay.value = 0
12-19 16:29:59.247 31978 32140 D CCodecConfig: string input.media-type.value = "audio/vorbis"
12-19 16:29:59.247 31978 32140 D CCodecConfig: string output.media-type.value = "audio/raw"
12-19 16:29:59.247 31978 32140 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.channel-count.value = 1
12-19 16:29:59.247 31978 32140 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.sample-rate.value = 48000
12-19 16:29:59.247 31978 32140 D CCodecConfig: }
12-19 16:29:59.250 31978 32140 D CCodec : [c2.android.vorbis.decoder] buffers are bound to CCodec for this session
12-19 16:29:59.250 31978 32140 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for durationUs
12-19 16:29:59.250 31978 32140 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for track-id
12-19 16:29:59.250 31978 32140 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for csd-1
12-19 16:29:59.250 31978 32140 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for language
12-19 16:29:59.250 31978 32140 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for file-format
12-19 16:29:59.250 31978 32140 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for flags
12-19 16:29:59.251 31978 32141 D CCodec : [c2.android.vorbis.decoder] buffers are bound to CCodec for this session
12-19 16:29:59.251 31978 32141 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for durationUs
12-19 16:29:59.251 31978 32141 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for track-id
12-19 16:29:59.251 31978 32141 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for csd-1
12-19 16:29:59.251 31978 32141 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for language
12-19 16:29:59.251 31978 32141 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for file-format
12-19 16:29:59.251 31978 32141 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for flags
12-19 16:29:59.252 31978 32008 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.252 31978 32140 D CCodecConfig: config failed => CORRUPTED
12-19 16:29:59.253 31978 32140 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value = 120000
12-19 16:29:59.253 31978 32140 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 1107298332.
12-19 16:29:59.253 31978 32140 D CCodec : setup formats input: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
12-19 16:29:59.253 31978 32140 D CCodec : int32_t bitrate = 120000
12-19 16:29:59.253 31978 32140 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 1
12-19 16:29:59.253 31978 32140 D CCodec : int32_t max-input-size = 65307
12-19 16:29:59.253 31978 32140 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/vorbis"
12-19 16:29:59.253 31978 32140 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 48000
12-19 16:29:59.253 31978 32140 D CCodec : }
12-19 16:29:59.253 31978 32140 D CCodec : setup formats output: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
12-19 16:29:59.253 31978 32140 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 1
12-19 16:29:59.253 31978 32140 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/raw"
12-19 16:29:59.253 31978 32140 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 48000
12-19 16:29:59.253 31978 32140 D CCodec : }
12-19 16:29:59.253 31978 32140 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 7 values (BAD_INDEX)
12-19 16:29:59.254 31978 32141 D CCodecConfig: config failed => CORRUPTED
12-19 16:29:59.254 31978 32141 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value = 120000
12-19 16:29:59.254 31978 32141 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 1107298332.
12-19 16:29:59.254 31978 32141 D CCodec : setup formats input: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
12-19 16:29:59.254 31978 32141 D CCodec : int32_t bitrate = 120000
12-19 16:29:59.254 31978 32141 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 1
12-19 16:29:59.254 31978 32141 D CCodec : int32_t max-input-size = 65307
12-19 16:29:59.254 31978 32141 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/vorbis"
12-19 16:29:59.254 31978 32141 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 48000
12-19 16:29:59.254 31978 32141 D CCodec : }
12-19 16:29:59.254 31978 32141 D CCodec : setup formats output: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
12-19 16:29:59.254 31978 32141 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 1
12-19 16:29:59.254 31978 32141 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/raw"
12-19 16:29:59.254 31978 32141 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 48000
12-19 16:29:59.254 31978 32141 D CCodec : }
12-19 16:29:59.254 31978 32141 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 7 values (BAD_INDEX)
12-19 16:29:59.257 31978 32140 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 1342179345.
12-19 16:29:59.257 31978 32140 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 2415921170.
12-19 16:29:59.258 31978 32140 D C2Store : Using ION
12-19 16:29:59.258 31978 32039 W CAM_A : Could not find previous metadata for frame at 1009893221491065
12-19 16:29:59.259 31978 32140 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#856] Created input block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 17 - OK (0)
12-19 16:29:59.259 31978 32090 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:874]: TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run binning.
12-19 16:29:59.260 31978 32141 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 1342179345.
12-19 16:29:59.260 31978 32141 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 2415921170.
12-19 16:29:59.261 31978 32140 I CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#856] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 3479 - OK
12-19 16:29:59.262 31978 32140 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#856] Configured output block pool ids 3479 => OK
12-19 16:29:59.262 31978 32140 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#856] start: updating output delay 0
12-19 16:29:59.263 31978 32140 E ion : ioctl c0044901 failed with code -1: Inappropriate ioctl for device
12-19 16:29:59.266 31978 32141 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#298] Created input block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 18 - OK (0)
12-19 16:29:59.268 31978 32141 I CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#298] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 3480 - OK
12-19 16:29:59.268 31978 32141 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#298] Configured output block pool ids 3480 => OK
12-19 16:29:59.269 31978 32141 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#298] start: updating output delay 0
12-19 16:29:59.273 31978 32143 E native : aion.cc:780 Error loading lib_aion_buffer.so dlopen failed: library "lib_aion_buffer.so" not found
12-19 16:29:59.274 31978 32039 W libc : Access denied finding property "ro.hardware.chipname"
12-19 16:29:59.280 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.280 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.280 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.280 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.280 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.281 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.281 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.281 31978 32090 D LM8.2-Debug: pre_correction_active_width: 4000
12-19 16:29:59.281 31978 32090 D LM8.2-Debug: pre_correction_active_height: 3000
12-19 16:29:59.282 31978 32008 D LM8.2-Debug: pre_correction_active_width: 4000
12-19 16:29:59.282 31978 32008 D LM8.2-Debug: pre_correction_active_height: 3000
12-19 16:29:59.285 31978 32039 W libc : Access denied finding property "ro.hardware.chipname"
12-19 16:29:59.298 31978 32156 I OMXClient: IOmx service obtained
12-19 16:29:59.317 31978 32151 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.318 31978 32151 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.318 31978 32151 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.318 31978 32151 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.318 31978 32151 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.318 31978 32151 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.318 31978 32151 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.318 31978 32151 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.318 31978 32151 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.323 31978 32151 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.323 31978 32151 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.327 31978 32090 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:874]: TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run binning.
12-19 16:29:59.332 31978 32152 I MediaCodec: MediaCodec will operate in async mode
12-19 16:29:59.404 31978 32140 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#856] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer
12-19 16:29:59.405 31978 32140 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#856] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer
12-19 16:29:59.405 31978 32140 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#856] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer
12-19 16:29:59.412 31978 32147 D CodecSeeding: Seed: codec OMX.qcom.video.encoder.avc, mediatype video/avc, overrideable 1
12-19 16:29:59.413 31978 32147 D CodecProperties: setTuningValue(vq-target-bpp,0)
12-19 16:29:59.413 31978 32147 D CodecProperties: setTuningValue(vq-target-bpp-1080p,1.90)
12-19 16:29:59.413 31978 32147 D CodecProperties: setTuningValue(vq-target-bpp-720p,2.25)
12-19 16:29:59.413 31978 32147 D CodecProperties: setTuningValue(vq-target-bpp-540p,2.65)
12-19 16:29:59.413 31978 32147 D CodecProperties: setTuningValue(vq-target-bpp-480p,3.00)
12-19 16:29:59.413 31978 32147 D CodecProperties: setTuningValue(vq-target-bpp-320x240,0)
12-19 16:29:59.413 31978 32147 D CodecProperties: setTuningValue(vq-target-qpmax,-1)
12-19 16:29:59.413 31978 32147 D CodecProperties: setTuningValue(vq-target-qpmax-1080p,45)
12-19 16:29:59.413 31978 32147 D CodecProperties: setTuningValue(vq-target-qpmax-720p,43)
12-19 16:29:59.413 31978 32147 D CodecProperties: setTuningValue(vq-target-qpmax-540p,42)
12-19 16:29:59.413 31978 32147 D CodecProperties: setTuningValue(vq-target-qpmax-480p,38)
12-19 16:29:59.413 31978 32147 D CodecProperties: setTuningValue(vq-bitrate-phaseout,1.75)
12-19 16:29:59.413 31978 32147 D CodecProperties: setTuningValue(vq-boost-missing-qp,0.20)
12-19 16:29:59.413 31978 32147 D CodecProperties: setFeatureValue(_vq_eligible.device,1)
12-19 16:29:59.413 31978 32147 D CodecProperties: setFeatureValue(_quality.target,1)
12-19 16:29:59.413 31978 32147 D CodecSeeding: Seed: codec OMX.qcom.video.encoder.avc, mediatype video/avc, overrideable 0
12-19 16:29:59.413 31978 32147 D MediaCodec: shapeMediaFormat: deltas(1): AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
12-19 16:29:59.413 31978 32147 D MediaCodec: int32_t android._encoding-quality-level = 0
12-19 16:29:59.413 31978 32147 D MediaCodec: }
12-19 16:29:59.414 31978 32156 I ExtendedACodec: setupVideoEncoder()
12-19 16:29:59.414 31978 32156 W OMXUtils: do not know color format 0x7fa30c06 = 2141391878
12-19 16:29:59.415 31978 32156 W OMXUtils: do not know color format 0x7fa30c04 = 2141391876
12-19 16:29:59.415 31978 32156 W OMXUtils: do not know color format 0x7fa30c00 = 2141391872
12-19 16:29:59.415 31978 32156 W OMXUtils: do not know color format 0x7fa30c09 = 2141391881
12-19 16:29:59.415 31978 32156 W OMXUtils: do not know color format 0x7fa30c0a = 2141391882
12-19 16:29:59.416 31978 32156 W OMXUtils: do not know color format 0x7fa30c08 = 2141391880
12-19 16:29:59.416 31978 32156 W OMXUtils: do not know color format 0x7fa30c07 = 2141391879
12-19 16:29:59.416 31978 32156 W OMXUtils: do not know color format 0x7f000789 = 2130708361
12-19 16:29:59.421 31978 32010 W CAM_A : Framerate metadata does not еxistfor the video at content://media/external/video/media/1000005329
12-19 16:29:59.431 31978 32156 I ACodec : setupAVCEncoderParameters with [profile: High] [level: Level51]
12-19 16:29:59.431 31978 32156 I ACodec : [OMX.qcom.video.encoder.avc] cannot encode HDR static metadata. Ignoring.
12-19 16:29:59.431 31978 32156 I ACodec : setupVideoEncoder succeeded
12-19 16:29:59.431 31978 32156 I ExtendedACodec: [OMX.qcom.video.encoder.avc] configure, AMessage : AMessage(what = 'conf', target = 8) = {
12-19 16:29:59.431 31978 32156 I ExtendedACodec: int32_t color-format = 21
12-19 16:29:59.431 31978 32156 I ExtendedACodec: float i-frame-interval = 0.233333
12-19 16:29:59.431 31978 32156 I ExtendedACodec: int32_t level = 32768
12-19 16:29:59.431 31978 32156 I ExtendedACodec: string mime = "video/avc"
12-19 16:29:59.431 31978 32156 I ExtendedACodec: int32_t profile = 8
12-19 16:29:59.431 31978 32156 I ExtendedACodec: int32_t bitrate = 12000000
12-19 16:29:59.431 31978 32156 I ExtendedACodec: int32_t color-standard = 2
12-19 16:29:59.431 31978 32156 I ExtendedACodec: int32_t oo.muxer.drop_initial_non_keyframes = 1
12-19 16:29:59.431 31978 32156 I ExtendedACodec: int32_t color-transfer = 3
12-19 16:29:59.431 31978 32156 I ExtendedACodec: int32_t width = 640
12-19 16:29:59.431 31978 32156 I ExtendedACodec: int32_t color-range = 1
12-19 16:29:59.431 31978 32156 I ExtendedACodec: int32_t frame-rate = 30
12-19 16:29:59.431 31978 32156 I ExtendedACodec: int32_t height = 480
12-19 16:29:59.431 31978 32156 I ExtendedACodec: int32_t android._encoding-quality-level = 0
12-19 16:29:59.431 31978 32156 I ExtendedACodec: int32_t flags = 1
12-19 16:29:59.431 31978 32156 I ExtendedACodec: int32_t encoder = 1
12-19 16:29:59.431 31978 32156 I ExtendedACodec: }
12-19 16:29:59.436 31978 32166 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients
12-19 16:29:59.438 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.439 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.439 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.439 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.439 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.439 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.439 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.439 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.439 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.439 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.439 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.439 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.439 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.439 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.439 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.439 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.439 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.439 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.439 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.439 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.439 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.439 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.440 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.440 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.440 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.440 31978 32090 D LM8.2-Debug: pre_correction_active_width: 4000
12-19 16:29:59.441 31978 32090 D LM8.2-Debug: pre_correction_active_height: 3000
12-19 16:29:59.448 31978 32147 D MediaCodec: keep callback message for reclaim
12-19 16:29:59.473 31978 32141 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#298] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer
12-19 16:29:59.473 31978 32141 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#298] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer
12-19 16:29:59.474 31978 32141 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#298] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer
12-19 16:29:59.476 31978 32008 W EngineApiLoaderContr: All remote package attempts fail.
12-19 16:29:59.478 31978 32008 W EngineApiLoaderContr: EngineApi implementation not found
12-19 16:29:59.481 31978 32090 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:874]: TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run binning.
12-19 16:29:59.482 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.482 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.482 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.482 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.482 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.482 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.482 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.482 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.482 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.482 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.482 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.483 31978 32090 D LM8.2-Debug: pre_correction_active_width: 4000
12-19 16:29:59.483 31978 32090 D LM8.2-Debug: pre_correction_active_height: 3000
12-19 16:29:59.489 31978 32141 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients
12-19 16:29:59.497 31978 32151 W CAM_A : Could not find previous metadata for frame at 1009893456935700
12-19 16:29:59.511 31978 32090 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:874]: TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run binning.
12-19 16:29:59.513 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.513 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.513 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.513 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.513 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.513 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.513 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.513 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.513 31978 32090 D LM8.2-Debug: pre_correction_active_width: 4000
12-19 16:29:59.513 31978 32090 D LM8.2-Debug: pre_correction_active_height: 3000
12-19 16:29:59.540 31978 32147 D MediaCodecList: codecHandlesFormat: no format, so no extra checks
12-19 16:29:59.540 31978 32147 D MediaCodecList: codecHandlesFormat: no format, so no extra checks
12-19 16:29:59.543 31978 32171 D CCodec : allocate(c2.android.aac.encoder)
12-19 16:29:59.552 31978 32171 I CCodec : setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store
12-19 16:29:59.555 31978 32171 I CCodec : Created component [c2.android.aac.encoder]
12-19 16:29:59.556 31978 32171 D CCodecConfig: read media type: audio/mp4a-latm
12-19 16:29:59.557 31978 32171 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.max-count.values
12-19 16:29:59.558 31978 32171 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.subscribed-indices.values
12-19 16:29:59.558 31978 32171 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: input.buffers.allocator-ids.values
12-19 16:29:59.558 31978 32171 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.allocator-ids.values
12-19 16:29:59.558 31978 32171 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.allocator-ids.values
12-19 16:29:59.558 31978 32171 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.pool-ids.values
12-19 16:29:59.558 31978 32171 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.pool-ids.values
12-19 16:29:59.559 31978 32171 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 9 values (BAD_INDEX)
12-19 16:29:59.560 31978 32171 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is Dict {
12-19 16:29:59.560 31978 32171 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value = 64000
12-19 16:29:59.560 31978 32171 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.pl.level = 0
12-19 16:29:59.560 31978 32171 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.pl.profile = 8192
12-19 16:29:59.560 31978 32171 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coding.aac-sbr-mode.value = 3
12-19 16:29:59.560 31978 32171 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.buffers.max-size.value = 2048
12-19 16:29:59.560 31978 32171 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.delay.value = 0
12-19 16:29:59.560 31978 32171 D CCodecConfig: string input.media-type.value = "audio/raw"
12-19 16:29:59.560 31978 32171 D CCodecConfig: string output.media-type.value = "audio/mp4a-latm"
12-19 16:29:59.560 31978 32171 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.channel-count.value = 1
12-19 16:29:59.560 31978 32171 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.sample-rate.value = 44100
12-19 16:29:59.560 31978 32171 D CCodecConfig: }
12-19 16:29:59.562 31978 32090 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:874]: TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run binning.
12-19 16:29:59.562 31978 32171 I MediaCodec: MediaCodec will operate in async mode
12-19 16:29:59.563 31978 32147 D CodecSeeding: Seed: codec c2.android.aac.encoder, mediatype audio/mp4a-latm, overrideable 1
12-19 16:29:59.563 31978 32147 D CodecProperties: setFeatureValue(_vq_eligible.device,1)
12-19 16:29:59.563 31978 32147 D CodecProperties: setFeatureValue(_quality.target,1)
12-19 16:29:59.563 31978 32147 D CodecSeeding: Seed: codec c2.android.aac.encoder, mediatype audio/mp4a-latm, overrideable 0
12-19 16:29:59.563 31978 32147 D MediaCodec: shapeMediaFormat: deltas(0): AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
12-19 16:29:59.563 31978 32147 D MediaCodec: }
12-19 16:29:59.564 31978 32171 D CCodec : [c2.android.aac.encoder] buffers are bound to CCodec for this session
12-19 16:29:59.564 31978 32171 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for oo.muxer.force_sequential
12-19 16:29:59.564 31978 32171 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for flags
12-19 16:29:59.564 31978 32171 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for encoder
12-19 16:29:59.567 31978 32171 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value = 128000
12-19 16:29:59.567 31978 32171 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.buffers.max-size.value = 4096
12-19 16:29:59.567 31978 32171 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.channel-count.value = 2
12-19 16:29:59.567 31978 32171 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.sample-rate.value = 48000
12-19 16:29:59.568 31978 32171 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 1107298332.
12-19 16:29:59.568 31978 32171 D CCodec : setup formats input: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
12-19 16:29:59.568 31978 32171 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 48000
12-19 16:29:59.568 31978 32171 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 2
12-19 16:29:59.568 31978 32171 D CCodec : int32_t max-input-size = 7680
12-19 16:29:59.568 31978 32171 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/raw"
12-19 16:29:59.568 31978 32171 D CCodec : }
12-19 16:29:59.568 31978 32171 D CCodec : setup formats output: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
12-19 16:29:59.568 31978 32171 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 48000
12-19 16:29:59.568 31978 32171 D CCodec : int32_t bitrate = 128000
12-19 16:29:59.568 31978 32171 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 2
12-19 16:29:59.568 31978 32171 D CCodec : int32_t level = 0
12-19 16:29:59.568 31978 32171 D CCodec : int32_t max-bitrate = 128000
12-19 16:29:59.568 31978 32171 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/mp4a-latm"
12-19 16:29:59.568 31978 32171 D CCodec : int32_t profile = 2
12-19 16:29:59.568 31978 32171 D CCodec : }
12-19 16:29:59.570 31978 32171 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 9 values (BAD_INDEX)
12-19 16:29:59.570 31978 32147 D MediaCodec: keep callback message for reclaim
12-19 16:29:59.572 31978 32171 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 1342179345.
12-19 16:29:59.572 31978 32171 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 2415921170.
12-19 16:29:59.573 31978 32171 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 3254792206.
12-19 16:29:59.573 31978 32171 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 3254792194.
12-19 16:29:59.574 31978 32171 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.aac.encoder#531] Created input block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 19 - OK (0)
12-19 16:29:59.575 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.575 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.575 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.575 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.575 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.575 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.575 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.575 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.575 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.575 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.575 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.575 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.575 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.575 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.575 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.577 31978 32171 I CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.aac.encoder#531] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 3481 - OK
12-19 16:29:59.578 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.578 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.580 31978 32090 D LM8.2-Debug: pre_correction_active_width: 4000
12-19 16:29:59.580 31978 32090 D LM8.2-Debug: pre_correction_active_height: 3000
12-19 16:29:59.587 31978 32171 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.aac.encoder#531] Configured output block pool ids 3481 => OK
12-19 16:29:59.588 31978 32171 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.aac.encoder#531] start: updating output delay 0
12-19 16:29:59.593 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.593 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.593 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.593 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.593 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.602 31978 32008 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.615 31978 32008 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.615 31978 32008 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.615 31978 32008 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.615 31978 32008 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.616 31978 32008 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.616 31978 32008 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.616 31978 32171 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.aac.encoder#531] sending CSD : output format changed to AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
12-19 16:29:59.616 31978 32171 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t sample-rate = 48000
12-19 16:29:59.616 31978 32171 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t bitrate = 128000
12-19 16:29:59.616 31978 32171 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t channel-count = 2
12-19 16:29:59.616 31978 32171 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t level = 0
12-19 16:29:59.616 31978 32171 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t max-bitrate = 128000
12-19 16:29:59.616 31978 32171 D CCodecBufferChannel: string mime = "audio/mp4a-latm"
12-19 16:29:59.616 31978 32171 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t profile = 2
12-19 16:29:59.616 31978 32171 D CCodecBufferChannel: Buffer csd-0 = {
12-19 16:29:59.616 31978 32171 D CCodecBufferChannel: 00000000: 11 90 ..
12-19 16:29:59.616 31978 32171 D CCodecBufferChannel: }
12-19 16:29:59.616 31978 32171 D CCodecBufferChannel: }
12-19 16:29:59.616 31978 32008 D LM8.2-Debug: pre_correction_active_width: 4000
12-19 16:29:59.616 31978 32008 D LM8.2-Debug: pre_correction_active_height: 3000
12-19 16:29:59.667 31978 32151 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.667 31978 32151 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.667 31978 32151 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.667 31978 32151 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.667 31978 32151 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.667 31978 32151 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.667 31978 32151 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.667 31978 32151 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.667 31978 32151 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.667 31978 32151 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.667 31978 32151 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.667 31978 32151 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.696 31978 32090 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:874]: TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run binning.
12-19 16:29:59.702 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.702 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.702 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.702 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.702 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.702 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.702 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.702 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.702 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.703 31978 32090 D LM8.2-Debug: pre_correction_active_width: 4000
12-19 16:29:59.703 31978 32090 D LM8.2-Debug: pre_correction_active_height: 3000
12-19 16:29:59.703 31978 32155 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.704 31978 32155 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.704 31978 32155 E native : gyro.cc:431 error getting quat at time 1009892959050745
12-19 16:29:59.704 31978 32155 E native : gyro_stabilization_jni.cc:138 Cannot get the projection matrix.
12-19 16:29:59.704 31978 32155 W CAM_A : Projection matrix could not be computed for timestamp = 1009892959050745
12-19 16:29:59.704 31978 32155 E native : gyro.cc:431 error getting quat at time 1009892962836944
12-19 16:29:59.704 31978 32155 E native : gyro_stabilization_jni.cc:138 Cannot get the projection matrix.
12-19 16:29:59.705 31978 32155 W CAM_A : Projection matrix could not be computed for timestamp = 1009892962836944
12-19 16:29:59.705 31978 32155 E native : gyro.cc:431 error getting quat at time 1009892966623143
12-19 16:29:59.705 31978 32155 E native : gyro_stabilization_jni.cc:138 Cannot get the projection matrix.
12-19 16:29:59.705 31978 32155 W CAM_A : Projection matrix could not be computed for timestamp = 1009892966623143
12-19 16:29:59.705 31978 32155 E native : gyro.cc:431 error getting quat at time 1009892970409342
12-19 16:29:59.705 31978 32155 E native : gyro_stabilization_jni.cc:138 Cannot get the projection matrix.
12-19 16:29:59.705 31978 32155 W CAM_A : Projection matrix could not be computed for timestamp = 1009892970409342
12-19 16:29:59.705 31978 32155 E native : gyro.cc:431 error getting quat at time 1009892974195541
12-19 16:29:59.705 31978 32155 E native : gyro_stabilization_jni.cc:138 Cannot get the projection matrix.
12-19 16:29:59.705 31978 32155 W CAM_A : Projection matrix could not be computed for timestamp = 1009892974195541
12-19 16:29:59.705 31978 32155 E native : gyro.cc:431 error getting quat at time 1009892977981740
12-19 16:29:59.705 31978 32155 E native : gyro_stabilization_jni.cc:138 Cannot get the projection matrix.
12-19 16:29:59.705 31978 32155 W CAM_A : Projection matrix could not be computed for timestamp = 1009892977981740
12-19 16:29:59.705 31978 32155 E native : gyro.cc:431 error getting quat at time 1009892981767939
12-19 16:29:59.705 31978 32155 E native : gyro_stabilization_jni.cc:138 Cannot get the projection matrix.
12-19 16:29:59.705 31978 32155 W CAM_A : Projection matrix could not be computed for timestamp = 1009892981767939
12-19 16:29:59.705 31978 32155 E native : gyro.cc:431 error getting quat at time 1009892985554138
12-19 16:29:59.705 31978 32155 E native : gyro_stabilization_jni.cc:138 Cannot get the projection matrix.
12-19 16:29:59.705 31978 32155 W CAM_A : Projection matrix could not be computed for timestamp = 1009892985554138
12-19 16:29:59.705 31978 32155 E native : gyro.cc:431 error getting quat at time 1009892989340337
12-19 16:29:59.705 31978 32155 E native : gyro_stabilization_jni.cc:138 Cannot get the projection matrix.
12-19 16:29:59.705 31978 32155 W CAM_A : Projection matrix could not be computed for timestamp = 1009892989340337
12-19 16:29:59.705 31978 32155 E native : gyro.cc:431 error getting quat at time 1009892993126536
12-19 16:29:59.705 31978 32155 E native : gyro_stabilization_jni.cc:138 Cannot get the projection matrix.
12-19 16:29:59.705 31978 32155 W CAM_A : Projection matrix could not be computed for timestamp = 1009892993126536
12-19 16:29:59.705 31978 32155 E native : gyro.cc:431 error getting quat at time 1009892996912735
12-19 16:29:59.705 31978 32155 E native : gyro_stabilization_jni.cc:138 Cannot get the projection matrix.
12-19 16:29:59.705 31978 32155 W CAM_A : Projection matrix could not be computed for timestamp = 1009892996912735
12-19 16:29:59.705 31978 32155 E native : gyro.cc:431 error getting quat at time 1009893000698934
12-19 16:29:59.705 31978 32155 E native : gyro_stabilization_jni.cc:138 Cannot get the projection matrix.
12-19 16:29:59.705 31978 32155 W CAM_A : Projection matrix could not be computed for timestamp = 1009893000698934
12-19 16:29:59.705 31978 32155 W CAM_A : Previous or current projection matrix cannot be computed. Defaulting to identity
12-19 16:29:59.705 31978 32155 W CAM_A : Previous or current projection matrix cannot be computed. Defaulting to identity
12-19 16:29:59.706 31978 32155 W CAM_A : Previous or current projection matrix cannot be computed. Defaulting to identity
12-19 16:29:59.706 31978 32155 W CAM_A : Previous or current projection matrix cannot be computed. Defaulting to identity
12-19 16:29:59.706 31978 32155 W CAM_A : Previous or current projection matrix cannot be computed. Defaulting to identity
12-19 16:29:59.706 31978 32155 W CAM_A : Previous or current projection matrix cannot be computed. Defaulting to identity
12-19 16:29:59.706 31978 32155 W CAM_A : Previous or current projection matrix cannot be computed. Defaulting to identity
12-19 16:29:59.706 31978 32155 W CAM_A : Previous or current projection matrix cannot be computed. Defaulting to identity
12-19 16:29:59.706 31978 32155 W CAM_A : Previous or current projection matrix cannot be computed. Defaulting to identity
12-19 16:29:59.706 31978 32155 W CAM_A : Previous or current projection matrix cannot be computed. Defaulting to identity
12-19 16:29:59.706 31978 32155 W CAM_A : Previous or current projection matrix cannot be computed. Defaulting to identity
12-19 16:29:59.706 31978 32155 W CAM_A : Previous or current projection matrix cannot be computed. Defaulting to identity
12-19 16:29:59.721 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.721 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.721 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.721 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.721 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.722 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.737 31978 32090 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:874]: TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run binning.
12-19 16:29:59.741 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.741 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.741 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.741 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.741 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.741 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.742 31978 32090 D LM8.2-Debug: pre_correction_active_width: 4000
12-19 16:29:59.742 31978 32090 D LM8.2-Debug: pre_correction_active_height: 3000
12-19 16:29:59.757 31978 32009 I tflite : Initialized TensorFlow Lite runtime.
12-19 16:29:59.760 31978 32090 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:874]: TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run binning.
12-19 16:29:59.780 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.781 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.781 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.781 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.781 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.781 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.781 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.781 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.781 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.781 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.781 31978 32090 D LM8.2-Debug: pre_correction_active_width: 4000
12-19 16:29:59.781 31978 32090 D LM8.2-Debug: pre_correction_active_height: 3000
12-19 16:29:59.788 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.788 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.788 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.801 31978 32090 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:874]: TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run binning.
12-19 16:29:59.812 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.812 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.813 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.813 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.813 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.813 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.813 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.817 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.817 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.817 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.818 31978 32090 D LM8.2-Debug: pre_correction_active_width: 4000
12-19 16:29:59.818 31978 32090 D LM8.2-Debug: pre_correction_active_height: 3000
12-19 16:29:59.843 31978 32090 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:874]: TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run binning.
12-19 16:29:59.886 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.886 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.886 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.886 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.886 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.886 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.886 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.886 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.886 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.886 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.886 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.886 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.886 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.886 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.886 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.886 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.887 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.887 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.888 31978 32090 D LM8.2-Debug: pre_correction_active_width: 4000
12-19 16:29:59.888 31978 32090 D LM8.2-Debug: pre_correction_active_height: 3000
12-19 16:29:59.909 31978 32090 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:874]: TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run binning.
12-19 16:29:59.922 31978 32008 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.922 31978 32008 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.922 31978 32008 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.922 31978 32008 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.922 31978 32008 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.922 31978 32008 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.922 31978 32008 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.922 31978 32008 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.922 31978 32008 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.923 31978 32008 D LM8.2-Debug: pre_correction_active_width: 4000
12-19 16:29:59.923 31978 32008 D LM8.2-Debug: pre_correction_active_height: 3000
12-19 16:29:59.947 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.947 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.947 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.947 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.947 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.947 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.947 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.948 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.948 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.948 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.949 31978 32090 D LM8.2-Debug: pre_correction_active_width: 4000
12-19 16:29:59.949 31978 32090 D LM8.2-Debug: pre_correction_active_height: 3000
12-19 16:29:59.965 31978 32090 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:874]: TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run binning.
12-19 16:29:59.988 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.988 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.988 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.988 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.989 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.989 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.989 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.989 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.989 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.989 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.990 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.990 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:29:59.991 31978 32090 D LM8.2-Debug: pre_correction_active_width: 4000
12-19 16:29:59.991 31978 32090 D LM8.2-Debug: pre_correction_active_height: 3000
12-19 16:30:00.024 31978 32090 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:874]: TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run binning.
12-19 16:30:00.050 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:30:00.050 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:30:00.050 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:30:00.050 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:30:00.050 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:30:00.050 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:30:00.050 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:30:00.050 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:30:00.050 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:30:00.050 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:30:00.050 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:30:00.050 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:30:00.050 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:30:00.050 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:30:00.051 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:30:00.051 31978 32090 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:30:00.052 31978 32090 D LM8.2-Debug: pre_correction_active_width: 4000
12-19 16:30:00.052 31978 32090 D LM8.2-Debug: pre_correction_active_height: 3000
12-19 16:30:00.074 31978 32090 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:874]: TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run binning.
12-19 16:30:00.126 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:30:00.126 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:30:00.126 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:30:00.126 31978 32039 D qdgralloc: GetYUVPlaneInfo: Invalid format passed: 0x21
12-19 16:30:00.1
5 апреля, 2022
54 года (22 ноября 2024)
20 августа, 2022
54 года (22 ноября 2024)
9 января, 2023
54 года (22 ноября 2024)